24 dec. 20181 min läsning
Varieties of Peace working paper on peace processes of the 1990s
The working paper, written by Varieties of Peace intern Viktor Johansson, is concerned with characterizing and comparing civil war peace...
30 nov. 20181 min läsning
Varieties of Peace workshop 26-27 November, 2018 in Umeå
In the past week the Varieties of Peace research team was joined by its newest member Nilanjana Premaratna who will conduct her post-doc...
6 nov. 20181 min läsning
Openings within Varieties of Peace Research Program
Varieties of Peace Research Program is now welcoming highly qualified applicants to our visisting researchers program. For more...
17 okt. 20181 min läsning
New report with a contribution from Varieties of Peace research program participant Malin Ã…kebo
A report has been launched following the workshop on Assessing and Influencing Progress in Peace Processes held in Barcelona on 30 May -...
9 okt. 20181 min läsning
Conceptual workshop in Umeå, October 9th 2018
This week the Varieties of Peace research team devoted a day for a thorough discussion on the conceptual framework/frameworks that the...
5 okt. 20181 min läsning
New journal article on diaspora return after armed conflict
Time to go home? The conflictual politics of diaspora return in the Burmese women’s movement Author: Elisabeth Olivius Journal: Asian...