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April 2022


Varieties of Peace live-streamed roundtables


In May, the Varieties of Peace Research Network is hosting a workshop in Uppsala, which aims to take stock of recent advances in peace research, and discuss the next steps for the field. As part of the workshop, two roundtables will be live-streamed. To participate, sign up via the links below!


Roundtable: Conceptualizing and theorizing peace

What is peace? Are there different types and dimensions of peace? What explains different nuances, degrees, and characteristics of peace, and what explains sustainability and the deepening of peace? What is the way forward?

Speakers: Marie-Joëlle Zahar, Tarja Väyrynen, Paul Diehl, Peter Wallensteen, and Roger Mac Ginty

Chair: Anna Jarstad


May 18, 2022 03:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna


Register in advance for this meeting:



Round table: Methodological approaches to peace

How should peace be measured? What methodological challenges do we face when capturing peace experiences? How can peace be compared across time and places? What is the way forward?

Speakers: Lisa Strömbom, Pamina Firchow, Madhav Joshi, Annick Wibben

Chair: Elisabeth Olivius


May 19, 2022 03:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna


Register in advance for this meeting:



New themed section: Toward a Feminist Peace, European Journal of Politics and Gender


The European Journal of Politics and Gender recently published a themed section on feminist peace, with contributions from several network members, edited by Jenna Sapiano and Jaqui True and including the following articles:



New publications




Become an active contributor to the Varieties of Peace Research Network


Varieties of Peace encourages all its members to share recent publications of relevance for the network, as well as any other news or upcoming events that may be of interest to other network members.










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