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Two new VoP special issue articles out now!

Alejandro Esteso Pérez

Two new articles that are part of a forthcoming Varieties of Peace special issue in Journal of Peacebuilding and Development are now published online.

First, the article "Beyond Liberal Peace in Sri Lanka: Victory, Politics, and State Formation" co-authored by Malin Åkebo and Sunil Bastian shows how the post-war peace in Sri Lanka has been shaped by historical processes of state formation aimed at consolidating the state. The article takes a long-term approach to analysing peace in Sri Lanka through the lens of state formation.

Second, the brief "Peacebuilding, Official Development Assistance, and the Sustainable Development Goals: The United Nations Peacebuilding Funding Dashboard" authored by Ayham Al Maleh, Etizaz Shah, Henk-Jan Brinkman and Viktoria von Knobloch. It focuses on identifying categories of peacebuilding areas and tracking of their associated expenditures based on recurring priorities of the United Nations in peacebuilding contexts.

The special issue, entitled Exploring Varieties of Peace, is edited by Varieties of Peace Research Network founding members Elisabeth Olivius and Malin Åkebo. It aims to advance conceptual understandings, as well as empirical analyses, of peace that provides new insights into the variety of ways in which peace is manifested, experienced and understood. The contributions in the special issue capture varieties of peace between and beyond dichotomous conceptions of positive versus negative peace, or successful versus failed peace processes, and showcases a diversity of approaches to analyzing peace.

The full special issue will be out in print in April 2021. Stay tuned!


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